Weight Loss Tracker

Friday, July 29, 2011


Yippee! Just checked out my progress on the scale and I am down 2.4 lbs!!!! I am at 137.4 and my body fat was at 30.5% so that was definite FAT loss and nothing else. Plus I had a great run this morning. I worked out 5 days this week. Now to not get cocky and keep doing it! At least I know the changes I'm making are working.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are having success!!! I love that you kept a food journal! I'm sure that is helpful. I've never been real good at doing that! Keep on doing what you are doing and in no time at all we will be healthier, more energetic Mama's!
    My goal is Christmas! Instead of packing on the pounds and hoping to "start" January 1, I plan to be "smokin" by that time! :) Hopefully I can get this ever frustrating thyroid in check!!! Love you girl!
    You are rockin it so far!
